Law Office of Paul W. Bryan, PLLC

LOCATION: 10801 HWY 104 NE, KINGSTON, WA 98346

PHONE: (360) 698-9393
TOLL FREE: (800) 599-9226
FACSIMILE: (360) 925-3996

‘Twas the night before Christmas when Daddy found out

That the IME doctor had thrown his claim out.

“Preexisting conditions” was the reason, he said

Now please stop your crying and go up to bed.

How could they do this? I cried through my tears,

My daddy’s been strong and healthy for years.

Now all of a sudden, since he fell at his work,

They’ve pushed him aside and he feels like a jerk.

His doctor agrees that the fall is to blame,

But the L& I people don’t care. What a shame.

So, Christmas won’t happen at our house, I guess

Unless I can find a way out of this mess.

It’s justice we want and justice we’ll get,

‘cause of something I heard from a lawyer we met.

If an injury at work is the start of your pain,

Or makes it much worse, you have a good claim.

Case law is clear on this matter, and yet,

The L& I people always forget.

They want you to quit, but never give up,

My message to daddy is, “let’s lawyer up!”

“Call one from WSAJ, and please don’t delay”,

“I already have, is what he did say,”

So, with visions of justice alive in my head

I snuggled myself down in my cozy warm bed.

Sugarplums come later, it’s lawyers tonight

For they know the law and they know how to fight,

I can dream of a future where things are made right.

So, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!